ghostly haunted

The Most Haunted House

Jul 31st 2011, 8:28 pm
Posted by komai

The Barnstable House?

Psychics had found for about ELEVEN ghost in this house.

For your information, Cape Cod is well-known with the historical places such as the town and houses, and beautiful beaches, that sticks far away into the Atlantic Ocean. You may like the place, but beware with what the people said. Ghost love that place too.

Lots of sailors and fishermen were lost at the sea and left behind grieving family, while other families suffered terrible losses due to fires, murders, and suicides. And that, may be the reason for the places to become haunted.

The BARNSTABLE HOUSE is was built in 1713 and marked as one of the oldest houses on The Cape. Several things happened during its early history. For example, one suiciding by hanged himself. A daughter to Captain Grey, had accidentally drowned in a well. More tragic, his wife died for locking herself on the third floor of starvation.

Many people believe that Captain and his wife still haunt the house. During the century of 20th, the house was run asa an inn. Some guest reported to seeing Captain Grey's soul frequently slaming the door. But in some condition, the candle can be light by themselves, and empty chairs rocking to and fro.

In the years of 1970s, a fire was reported in the building and the firefighters saw a woman appeared in the third floor.

The BARNSTABLE HOUSE was then called by people for the most haunted house on the Cape.

dilapidated house(1), ghost(5), death(1), haunt(1)

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