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paleo diet recipes

Dec 7th 2012, 10:14 am
Posted by buckmartknez870
Throughout Good Health Usually when we think about getting healthy we believe about food and exercise. However, in order to be within the best health possible we should address our entire lifestyle. We are multidimensional beings and everything we eat, do, think and believe includes a direct impact on our health. For instance, have you ever gotten a headache following a stressful work day, or a cold from not receiving enough rest? Those are 2 common examples that depict just how important it's to look after our health having a more holistic approach. People that follow the paleo diet appreciate this which is why it is often referred to as a way of life, as opposed to just an eating plan. In the following paragraphs I'll briefly discuss the 4 foundations of the paleo diet; food, exercise, sleep and stress. You're Your food intake To attain optimal health, we should re-educate ourselves on which this means to eat healthily. On the paleo diet we're asked to eat foods that are whole, natural and were available to humans before fast food as well as modern day agriculture. These food types include meat, fish, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds. What we place in our bodies every day plays a crucial role in our all around health and wellness. Utilize it Or Lose It The second thing I want to address is exercise. Everyone, I am talking about we all need to workout to attain optimal health and wellness. Exercise helps us maintain muscle m** and bone density throughout all of the stages of our lives. If you do not want sponge bones and deteriorating muscle tissue when you're 40, you have to get going! On the paleo diet you're asked to incorporate a variety of movement types to your exercise routine including, power exercises like sprinting, weight lifting, interval work and movements that focus on flexibility. Beauty Sleep No matter how busy we're, we should take the time to get adequate sleep every night. If we are sleep the body get over our day and heals things that are out of whack. If you are looking for your fountain of youth... it's known as sleep. I mean 8 - 9 hours each night. Whenever we don't get enough sleep, our bodies produce more cortisone, and an excessive amount of cortisone equals more wrinkles. So the phrase beauty sleep is a real thing. Furthermore, not getting enough sleep actually makes us put on weight and inhibits the bodies capability to release access weight. paleo diet recipes Carry Less Baggage Now carrying an excessive amount of stress within our daily life causes us to age faster and put on weight weight, much like not receiving enough sleep; both of these lifestyle factors go hand and hand. It's so important as an existence long lesson so that you can reduce your stress and learn healthy methods to manage it. For many people this may mean saying 'no' sometimes or learn how to ask help for when you need it. For others this may mean joining a supportive community or getting some counseling to speak things out and gain new perspective. Our daily stress levels is an facet of our lives that's easily over-looked but it is probably the most important areas of our overall health and wellness.

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