ghostly haunted


Jul 2nd 2015, 9:37 pm
Posted by komai

How to avoid getting raped by ghost/djinn. This article is not only applied on women, but also men. Female ghost can rape you too. You will mostly get raped when you are sleeping or on you REM situation (Half asleep where you can't control yourself, and starting point of dreaming)

1. Bath Naked
2. Taking a bath within sunset and night
3. Sleeping when the sunset
4. Sleeping naked / clothes that exposed too much
5. Masturbating frequently

I'm don't prefer you guys to masturbate at all. -_- 
If you masturbate 1965 times, then you will have a ghost wife with lovely 1965 children that will burden your soul for the rest of your life.

How to know if you have been raped:
1. You dream of making love with someone a lot of time.
2. The feeling of being pressed against when sleeping
3. Seeing things
4. Feels like there's someone else beside you when sleeping
5. Tired and excessive fatigue
6. Bruises around thigh (some says it have 5 spots on the bruises)
7. Increased size of your belly

BE CAREFUL!! These rapist are not only making moves on singles but also married couple. If you are about to get married, they will try their best to avoid you from getting married. Sometimes when you are pregnant with your husband babies, they will make your baby dissapeared. They may also lead you to a bigger problem such as divorces. 

They can also makes you pregnant with their babies. You might get pregnant with no babies in your comb, but there's actually an invisible babies lies within your body. You might also dreaming about your invinsible babies disturbing your sleep almost every night.


raped(1), ghost(5), sleeping(1), djinn(1)

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