megamix radio
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megamix radio
About me
MegaMix Radio is a non profit radio that is dedicated to one this THE FANS. We are very new to 2014 and are very fresh, We have been researching the internet for a few months now find out what is and what isnt. We are trying to be a radio of yester year and cater for everyone. So as said in previous posts we have devised a shedule that we think will capture a wide range of fans from young to old.You will see that we go as far back as mowtown and the 60's so on so forth. As we done more research we found that the younger generation also liked some mowtown and the other early genres and that to us was a bonus, But we didnt keep as that because lets be honest not everyone has the same taste in music. That is where the r&b and the rock came into it and to be honest we think we got the goal we was looking for. Now as for the more spacific peole that like to just groove we indroduced the CLUBZONE with this it is just pure classic full on dance running from 6pm till 10pm friday and saturday. There is not much more to say we have said what means the most history is not are thing so we kept it sweet. WELCOME TO MEGAMIX RADIO.
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Aug 30th 2014, 9:03 am
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