David Dobson

Family Time and Home Based Business

Feb 28th 2016, 6:41 pm
Posted by ddobson

A great home based biz: http://freedom.passion-freedom.com

What do Apple Computer, Hershey's, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and the Ford Motor Company have in common? These corporations all started out as home-based businesses. more than half of all U.S. businesses are based out of an owner's home.

A home-based business has many rewards and challenges. Starting a home-based business and managing your business within the law.

 Think Before You Begin

Can you live and work in the same area? Ask yourself the following questions: Where will the business be located in the home? Will adjustments to living arrangements be required? What will be the cost of changes? How will your family react? How will the neighbors feel?

Home-Based Business: Is it For Me? Is working from home right for you? Several factors you should consider when starting a home-based business.

Starting a Business in Your Home: The Pros and Cons. Have you thought about the characteristics and challenges that are involved in launching home-based businesses? Think about the pros and cons before you begin a home-based business.

Start a Home-Based Business

Have decided you are ready to start a home-based business, then you might already have an idea or the products you want to market. If you don't, think about your background, what you are good at, and how much experience you have. This exploration can get you on the way to coming up with a sound idea.

Make a checklist of things to do and How to Set Up a Home-Based Business

Get ideas by reading an article that provides a comprehensive approach to developing a business plan for a home-based business

Check out how your local government's zoning ordinances may affect your business. Need to know the potential legal and community problems associated with having a business at home, and the rules.

Purchasing a Work-at-Home Franchise

Home based franchises are becoming common, but buyer beware! Some "work at home" franchise opportunities are schemes to get your money.

Check the Consumer Guide to Buying a Franchise for more information about evaluating and buying into franchises and  work-at-home business opportunities.

Home-Based Business Financing

Federal agencies do not provide grants for starting a home based business. There are a number of low-interest loan programs that help individuals obtain startup financing. Visit the Loans and Grants Search Tool to get a full list of grant, loan and venture capital programs for which you may qualify.

Marketing a Home-Based Business

There are several ways to market your business and get in touch with your customers. Blog, social media,and payed traffic to name few.Customers are a key to business success.

Home-Based Business and filling taxes
Doing your personal taxes can be a pain, but now you have to do the taxes for your home-based business as well.



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